i used to believe

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for quite few years I believed my Dad had swapped feet with my Grandad. An uncle pursuaded me that this was true when I was about 3 years old, after I'd seen my Grandad wearing my dad's shoes.

Mike (from body parts : general)
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When I was little I used to think that my uncle lived in a bus shelter.

tigga (from grown-ups : family)
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Thunder was the sound of clouds crashing together, and the rain would pour out of the holes in the clouds produced by the crash.

Suzanne Hellerstein (from nature : thunder and lightning)
score for this belief : 4.5 vote this belief up vote this belief down

I use to believe that there was little tiny people in my brain and they got to say what I think about and that they were my continuos! Lol there were about 1000 people in my brain

Anon (from body parts : general)
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I used to believe...thanks to my older sister...that dogs could talk, but they just didn't talk to me, cause they didn't like me.

Jen (from animals : cats and dogs)
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When I was little I used to think that when I flossed or brushed my teeth, if there were any specks of food on the brush or floss, that it was the cavity creatures from the toothpaste commercials.

tom (from body parts : general)
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When I was younger my father told me if I slept with my head under the pillow the tooth faries would kick my teeth in.

Declan (L.A.) (from body functions : sleeping)
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I used to believe that small people lived behind your eyes. They poured buckets of water out when you cried and controlled your eyes by moving the stems back and forth.

Anon (from body parts : eyes)
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I used to always look for clouds that were big enough to hid Care Bears -- I believed in them for a long time.

What can I say, I was a child of the 80s.

Kat (from kids : toys)
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When the Sony Playstation first came out, I had only hear people talk about it and I never knew what it was. I always asumed it was a toy train. I couldn't understand why so many people wanted one!

Sally (from media : computer games)
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